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DNA Diet

Find the clues you’ve been missing and empowers you to take care of your health in a way that is personalised and precise.

A single DNA Test can give you a multitude of insights into how to approach your health

Whether you’re looking to reverse a chronic illness, optimise your energy levels, balance your weight naturally or improve your performance in sports, Our DNA Diet test provides the clues you’ve been missing and empowers you to take care of your health in a way that is personalised and precise.

We test and look at metabolism, fitness, weight, hormones, diet all at once, to give you not only the answers you wanted, but also the ones you didn’t even know you were looking for.


We provide the tools to accurately transition genetic results into realistic health solutions.

How and Why?

No scary needle pricks here, we follow the simple procedure below to generate your genetic information in the context of your life, taking into consideration other important environmental and lifestyle factors, and collaborates with you to find realistic and sustainable solutions.

We then translate your genetic information in the context of your life, and together you get the full picture of you, create a simple actionable plan which assists you in getting the best results.

Let us help you improve your life!

Our main aim is to provide YOU with sound nutritional advice so that you can reach your health goals through a healthy BALANCED diet and lifestyle.