My Blog

February 13, 2018

Common Complaints during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time that should be celebrated. Some women (we’ll call them the lucky ones) are blessed with thick shiny hair, strong nails and beautiful glowing skin, but for some that pregnancy glow can be overshadowed by a few pesky symptoms such as heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
January 16, 2018

Top 5 Celeb Diets to avoid in 2018

Lately it is clear to see the increase in people’s interest when it comes to healthy lifestyles, food and fitness. This makes a dietitian very excited, but not so much when many influential figures promote fad diets that claim to be the secret to the newer healthier more attractive you.
January 11, 2018

Get into gear in 2018

2018 is upon us and after what I’m sure was an amazing festive season it’s time to get back into gear when it comes to our health. Here are some simple tips to help get you motivated and ready to be healthy in 2018!
December 13, 2017

Healthy eating during the holidays

Todays blog is all about healthy eating over the holidays.
November 22, 2017

Fruit and Diabetes

We have all heard it before.  A person diagnosed with diabetes that says “someone” told them that they are no longer allowed to have fruit because they have diabetes and it is too sweet.  But is this really the case?
November 14, 2017

Diabetes awareness – 10 tips for a balanced diet

Up to 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Working with a dietitian will help you identify the changes you need to make to your diet to achieve this.
August 23, 2017

Menopause: Can diet help with this?

Menopause is a time in a women’s lie when periods stop. This usually happens between the ages of 45-55 years. Other than loss of fertility, physical changes may happen including...
July 13, 2017

Boosting your Iron intake

Iron deficiency anemia is a common deficiency experienced in South Africa, as well as globally. Iron is a mineral needed to make hemoglobin, which is a part of red blood cells that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood stream.
June 28, 2017

Gastric balloon: A brand new weight management program

If you are one of the thousands of people who have tried dieting the ‘traditional’ way without success, then you might require some extra help.
November 29, 2016

Weight loss and Diabetes

If you are overweight or obese and have diabetes, losing weight can help improve insulin resistance and give you better sugar control. The weight loss that will help you see a difference needs to be approximately 5 to 7 % of your actual body weight. For example, if you weigh 110 kg, you would need to lose between 5.5 – 8 kg before you see any benefits.
November 25, 2016

Diabetes and Exercise

Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or if you are at risk for diabetes, having exercise as a part of your lifestyle will certainly improve your condition and reduce complications.
November 24, 2016

Easy ways to improve your fiber intake

Since one of the many benefits of fiber includes controlling blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, it seemed fitting to post an article about it during diabetes awareness month.
November 16, 2016

Natural sugar vs. Added sugar

So why do you find yourself craving more sugar after eating food and drinks high in sugar? This is because sugar activates the brain's reward system. The reward system is a series of clinical pathways which entices you to want more.
November 15, 2016

Which forms of sugar are better?

Since dietary management of diabetes is mostly centered around sugar, I will be including a few posts on this topic this month. Sugar is found in many of our foods. It is one of the body’s main energy sources so we need to include some sugar as a part of a healthy, well balanced diet.
November 11, 2016

Top Tips for Managing Diabetes

November marks Diabetes awareness month so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to post on this topic. People diagnosed with diabetes are often told to be on a “diabetic diet”. But the dietary management of diabetes is the same as managing a healthy body weight so it seems unnecessary to give it an exclusive name and single out diabetes.
August 14, 2016

Understanding PCOS and Insulin Resistance

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that recently appears to be occurring more frequently in women. It is a complex condition that is difficult to diagnose since there are so many symptoms associated with it. Many of the symptoms are due to high levels of androgens circulating in the body. Androgens are “male” hormones, and the main one is testosterone. The high levels prevent ovulation and affect the menstrual cycle. This weight gain leads to insulin resistance which could subsequently cause diabetes, cholesterol abnormalities and heart disease. This is where your diet can help you. By reaching your ideal body weight, you can prevent insulin resistance and any other resulting conditions. It is important to remember that insulin resistance is a physiological state that can be corrected, and is not a chronic condition.